Facebook advertising is a goldmine for lead generation if you know how to do it right. At Zappy SEO, we’re masters at generating leads through Facebook. Through our expertise, we can pinpoint specific zip codes and neighborhoods to find leads. That way, you will only advertise to your target demographic. Also, there are many other benefits involved in Facebook lead generation, so let’s take a look at them all.

Target the Right Customers

We know that your products have very specific target audiences. That’s why you don’t want to advertise in the wrong areas. Thanks to Facebook, we’re able to provide advertising content with stringent specifications. For example, let’s say that you’re selling a luxury brand of clothing for young men.

You wouldn’t want to waste your time advertising to women or older men. Instead, you want to find zip codes and neighborhoods where lots of wealthy young men reside. That’s precisely what Facebook advertising allows us to do. You’ll see a significant return on your investment as a result, both monetarily and socially.

Get the Word Out About Your Brand

If you’re a new business, then you need to start creating some buzz around your products. Facebook lead generation is a fantastic way to do so. By targeting specific neighborhoods, lots of eyes will start seeing your ad. Not only that, but they’ll be the eyes of your target demographic. That will get them generating some interest in your products via word-of-mouth. As a result, you’ll enjoy wider exposure among your target audience.

Interest-Based Targeting

Besides targeting specific areas, we can also target customers based on their interests. Facebook keeps track of the ads that users click on and the interests they list on their page. That’s invaluable information for generating leads. Our team will:

  • Find customers that have interests in your products
  • Target them specifically for ads and lead generation
  • Create snappy ads that will stick in the heads of potential customers
  • Provide valuable offers and content related to their interests to get clicks

These are only a few of the tactics that we’ll employ to generate leads for you. By targeting the interests of users, we can create lots of high-quality leads.

Retargeting Interested Customers

Facebook advertising also allows us to interact with potential customers that show promise. For example, let’s say that someone interacts with your website or clicks on a lead ad. They didn’t buy anything, but they’ve shown interest. We’ll keep track of all the customers that interacted with your page so that we can send follow-up content. Retargeting customers like this can lead to acquiring new customers.

Lead Ads on All Devices

Our capabilities allow us to create lead ads for you on any device. You can interact with your customers via tablet, smartphone, desktop PC, and more. You’ll also have access to all your leads in real-time. So as soon as someone submits a form, you’ll be able to contact them immediately. That will do a lot to seal the deal on a sale!

Those are the benefits you’ll enjoy by using us at Zappy SEO. If you’d like to reach your ideal customers directly, don’t wait to try our Facebook lead generation services today.