Don’t Let Other marketing Companies Rob You Blind!

  • Solid Timeline for Results

  • Get More Sales

  • A Real Strategy that Actually Works!

Schedule With Me

Let’s face it; most marketing companies SUCK!!

They charge huge amounts of money but won’t actually tell you what they are doing. They’ll lock you into long term contracts. Try to upsell services you don’t need, and lease the backlinks or leads so you own nothing if you try to leave and then shower you with a bunch of fancy reports to make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside after spending $36,000 a year.

We do things differently

We know how hard it is running a small business, but we also know you need solid marketing that actually turns the dial. We’ve created a transparent, alternative to the price-gouging/no-results SEO and marketing companies. We will setup all of your marketing campaigns to start delivering leads and results in as little as 30-days. We will also provide a custom marketing strategy so you know EXACTLY how much it will cost and how long it will take to get results. Then it gets fun… because now you can scale.

We are Google and Facebook Experts

Our team is Zappy-Focused on Google and Facebook. We live and breath these digital giants. Google and Facebook Lead generation is our life. We can help you dominate on Google and Facebook, and ZAP the competition. Don’t waste any more time and money with other SEO and marketing companies that clearly suck!!


  • Located in Las Vegas, NV
  • Established 2015
  • Get an Accurate Timeline for Results
  • Customized Marketing Strategy For Your Business and Location
  • More Leads, More Sales, Just More…

Zap The Competition!

Watch Video (See How We Get You Ranked)


Achieves ROAS Of 1,100%


Results: 1100% ROAS, and Helped Them to Reach The Mid-6-Figures Mark

This client was struggling with both Facebook & Google ads, and their average returns were close to 2X before we joined them. We pretty much did everything from scratch so, it took us three months to get them on track, and they were doing 5X+. Even in the pandemic, we kept going when Retail Stores (their primary audience) was closed! In the next three months, we doubled the ROAS.


Over $136,800 in Booked Appts

This client was just starting his business and needed a complete setup. We built out landing pages and optimized his website, created funnels for stand alone offers, and also completed some SEO work to get him ranked in the meantime.

John is an incredibly talented entrepreneur. His strategies for growing businesses are unparalleled. I’m thrilled that I started working with John and the results have already been amazing!

~ Mitch Weight

The results have been amazing!

Daniel McTeague

I watched John start his first business, ramp it up and sell it for millions. After witnessing that, I could’nt wait to find out jis secret to success. When I started working with John, I was blown away by his fresh approach to business success.

Kyle Kirschbaum

John took me from running a company to millionaire status in 3-years. To say that I’m happy is an understatement.

Noah Reid

The Team

John Stevenson

Founder & CEO

For over a decade John ran his own service-based company that employed dozens of employees with millions in revenue while enjoying double digit growth for 10-years straight. 

John transitioned from running his other businesses to providing marketing and business consulting services to his clients. He has been able to help many people refine and gain more profitability out of their businesses which has helped them gain a solid footing in many niches and make more money. 

John know’s what it takes to grow a successful business and how to keep profits high. He has recently been published in numerous publications with millions of readers worldwide such as Blogher, NuWire Investor, MenProvement, YFS Magazine, and others.



Based out of the Pacific Northwest, Brittany started her digital marketing career in 2012 working for, a fashion website based out of Portland, where she helped to develop brand awareness & strategy for their social media presence. After obtaining her M.B.A. from Marylhurst University, she became an SEO Account Executive and has worked with every size company from large national brands to small backyard businesses.



Zarar started a business when he was just eleven-years-old. From scratch to building a million-dollar company, he is a self-made young man at age 20, who truly owns his success. Someone who learned to do business by selling milk, and negotiations over vegetables – he has come a long way. He has multiple people working under him on every continent except Antarctica.



Michael began his career as a computer programmer, moved into database administration, and found a perfect match for his technical skills with internet marketing. Michael has been doing search engine optimization since…well… before it was search engine optimization. Michael was a key player in the marketing strategies behind which surged to the #1 position for the keyword “mortgage.”

Some of Our Client’s Results:

To zap your competitors call (702) 274-4606