To zap your competitors call (702) 274-4606

Frequently Asked Questions

& Really Zappy Answers!

Do You Work With Agencies or Offer White Label?

NO! Absolutely not! We do not work with Agencies or offer White Label services. It’s not fair to small businesses to have our services marked up, therefore we only work directly with small businesses. It doesn’t make sense to us to help our competitors get an edge.

Where Are You Located?

We are located in Las Vegas, NV. Where it’s always just another day in paradise!!! We’ve been in business since 2015.


What is the value of SEO?

SEO is an extremely valuable investment. If we rank you for a keyword that costs $5 per click in AdWords (there’s no cost per click with SEO) and it brought 100 visitors to your website each month. The value of ranking for just that one keyword would be worth $500. Rank 10 keywords and the value is $5,000 per month.

How does the process work?

The process is easy! We do all the work for you, you sit back, relax and enjoy rankings.

  • First, sign up for one of our affordable SEO packages
  • We research the keywords that will be the most effective for you We send a baseline report showing where you currently rank for those keywords
  • You approve the keywords on your baseline report
  • We build citations
  • We build links
  • We update the meta tags on your website per your package
  • We write an article/webpage
  • In 25-26 days we send an updated SEO report that shows the difference in rankings and files that show all the work that has been completed! This gives you time to review the work and see we completed everything prior to being billed again. We have a fully transparent, no b.s. approach.
How long will it take to get results?

This depends on various factors, website age, where you currently rank, etc. Here’s some general estimates for each of our packages. Zappy SEO – Established rankings can expect results in 5-6 months, newer sites / no rankings can expect results in 7-9 months Zappier SEO – Established rankings can expect results in 2-4 months, newer sites / no rankings can expect results in 4-6 months Zappiest SEO – Established rankings can expect results in 1-3 months, newer sites / no rankings can expect results in 3-5 months If you want a more accurate estimate and us to review your website / rankings please send us your website URL either on chat or on the contact page. We will review your website and give you our best estimate on how long it might take. No nonsense, honest feedback. Please note these are estimates and not guarantees but we promise we will do our best to get you there and to be truthful and honest along the way.

When should I expect to get leads/sales?

You shouldn’t expect to get sales or leads in the first month. You at least need to be on page 1 before you get leads/sales. SEO will be most effective once you have top 1-3 rankings for your keywords on Google.

What do you need from me?

To make this easy we have a form for you to complete once you sign up. This is a list of the main items we will need to get started.

  • Login to your website to update the meta tags and post your articles
  • Or we can provide you with the meta tags updates and you can update it yourself! Either way is fine with us.
  • We need access to your Google My Business and analytics to make sure they are accurately set up and linked to your site
  • We need links to a few of your top competitors’ websites for analysis
How long should I do SEO?

SEO should always be done. It’s important to keep your website up to date, constantly build new content and be in the spotlight with backlinks. Even if you have top rankings staying proactive and targeting new keywords will keep you ahead of your competition.

What happens if I stop my SEO services?

YOU OWN EVERYTHING WE DO! If you stop working with us we will not remove, hijack or undo anything we have completed on your site. However, we advise against stopping SEO even if you have top rankings. Stopping SEO is very similar to stopping your daily workout. You will still be strong for a while but eventually, you will lose your strength. With SEO It’s important to keep active to stay ahead of your competition.

How are the keywords selected?

We use the Google Keyword Tool to find keywords that have traffic and that we feel will get the best ROI. You ultimately have the final say on the keyword choice and you can have us add or remove keywords based on what you feel are most valuable for your business. And, you can change the keywords at any time.

What type of onsite work do you do?

We update the meta tags and keywords on your website per your package. We also fix any coding errors that would cause issues with ranking your website.

Why is my onsite only title tags and descriptions?

The most important onsite work that needs to be done to get ranked you ranked is writing quality titles and descriptions. This is why we focus on this part of your onsite first. Once your site is properly tagged we then go back and work on any coding issues that may affect your SEO. This efficient process gets you ranked faster and saves you money.

What is the purpose of the blogs?

We use the blogs to build quality content, build links and to grow your website. Content is king and the bigger your website and more quality content we build the easier it is to rank you. Please note, our goal is to rank your website’s core pages not to rank the blog content this is why most of your blog content will not be keyword heavy.

What are social links?

These are backlinks. It’s like favorites in your website browser. We add your link with keywords and link back to your website. We typically get about 80% approval ratio of the links.

What are citations?

Citations are high profile business listings on websites such as Yelp, Yahoo,, Bing, Citysquares, Yellowpages, Localpages, Foursquare, EzLocal to name a few. They organize business listings by categories, locations, services and allow us to put in your contact information, logo, website URL, keywords and information about your business. These are done one time. Since they are manually done it can take up to 45 days to complete.

How is visibility score calculated on my report?

What does this metric mean and how do we calculate the visibility score?

To put it simply, the visibility metric shows you the percentage of all possible organic clicks (from SERPs) for the tracked keywords landing on your website.

The score is calculated by dividing the traffic to the site by the total search traffic for all keywords. Ranking for keywords with higher search volumes have more influence on the visibility score.

For example:
If you only track a single keyword and all top 10 positions in Google are occupied by pages of your website (which means you get all possible traffic from that keyword) — your visibility is 100%.

But if you only occupy the #1 spot, while the rest are taken by your competitors, your visibility would be somewhere around 30% (depending on the CTR curve of the search results for that particular keyword).

Thus, if your average position is higher than your competitors, you will not necessarily have a better visibility score.

How do I get started?

To get started simply book a call Here.

If it is a good fit, then we will let you know what the next steps are to start getting ranked and get results.

It’s that easy!!

Google Ads

How does Google Ads work?

Google Ads is a pay per click ad platform. You’ll only pay when your customers take action, like when they click your ad to visit your website or call your business. The cost per click depends on the competition in your market. Please feel free to contact us via LiveChat or our contact page and we can give you a cost per click and ad spend estimate. No b.s. and no sales pitch!

What types of ads can I run?
  • Google Ads Text Ads
  • Google Ads Product Listing (Google Shopping)
  • Google Ads Video (YouTube) (you will need to provide a video)
  • Google Ads Call Ads (Mobile only)
  • Google Ads Remarketing (Display Banners)
  • Google Smart Campaigns (Google Search/Maps)
  • Google App Promotion (Drive App Installs)
Where do my Google Ads appear?

Google ads can help you promote your business when people are using Google search engine, browsing online, watching YouTube videos, checking Gmail, or using mobile devices and apps. The Google Display Network reaches 90% of Internet users worldwide, across millions of websites, news pages, blogs, and Google sites like Gmail and YouTube.

How can Google Ads help?

Google Ads makes it easy to show the world what’s unique about your business, so you can reach customers searching for what you offer whether a service or products. Google Ads can help you across the board:

  • Get more calls to your business
  • Increase visits to your store
  • Drive people to your website
  • Sell more products online
Do I need a Google Ads account to get started?

No you do not need an account to get started, we will setup an account in your name and link to your account so you always have full access and control of your account.

What if I have an existing account?

That’s awesome! We will request access to your current account and review everything in depth and put together our suggested changes to implement and send over for approval prior to making any changes.

How often do you work on my account?

Weekly. We will monitor your conversions, bids, ads to ensure that they are tracking correctly and make adjustments to ads to improve conversions.

How do we determine the recommended ad spend?

We use several tools including Google’s keyword planner to determine an ad spend. We recommend at least a minimum ad spend of $1,000 to be effective. Please feel free to contact us via LiveChat or our contact page and we can give you a cost per click and ad spend estimate. No b.s. and no sales pitch!

How do I pay my ad spend?

Your ad spend is paid directly to Google, you will need to have a major credit card saved in Google Ads.

Why do you charge a flat rate instead of a percentage of spend?

We have different options available.

How many campaigns do you setup?

We setup campaigns for each keyword group to maximize the quality score, lower your cost per click and increase conversions.

How many keywords can I target?

This depends on your ad spend, we typically start out with groups of 25-100 keywords and expand from there, including adding negative keywords to your campaign.

Is Ad design and copywriting included?

Yes, we will create all text and banner ads and will write all ad copy. If you decide to go with pre-roll you will have to provide the video. The video will need to be 15 seconds or less for optimal performance.

Is Ad design and copywriting included?

Yes, we will create all text and banner ads and will write all ad copy. If you decide to go with pre-roll you will have to provide the video. The video will need to be 15 seconds or less for optimal performance.

How does the process work?

The process is easy! We do all the work for you.

No Google Ads Account
Week 1 – Setup Gmail account, research and analyze keywords, create benchmark, review competition, define keywords, setup campaigns based on keywords
Week 2 – Create ads, setup tracking, submit ads for approval, start campaigns
Week 3 – Monitor and track ads, conversions, and campaigns
Week 4 – Continue to monitor and track ads, conversions, and campaigns

Have Google Ads Account
Week 1 – Get access to your current account and review everything in depth and put together our suggested changes to implement and send over for approval.
Week 2 – Implement suggested changes to improve the campaigns
Week 3 – Monitor and track ads, conversions, and campaigns
Week 4 – Continue to monitor and track ads, conversions, and campaigns

When should I expect to get leads/sales?

We typically can get sales or leads in month 2, although it’s possible to get some in month 1. The best ROI will be In 3-4 months. At this time your Google Ads campaign will be better optimized and we will have filtered out non-performing campaigns and focused on the ones that convert.

Month 1 – Mostly data collection and setup, it’s likely to get conversions, however, the best performance will come as we focus down and test effectively.
Month 2 – Improve quality score, lower cost per click, focus on campaigns that are performing better, get better conversions
Month 3 – Improve quality score, lower cost per click, tweak campaigns, move more budget into the best performing campaigns and pause campaigns that are underperforming.
Ongoing months – Is a repeat of month 3, we will continue to eliminate what’s not performing and move your budget into what is working the best, conversions will continue to grow and your cost per click will be lower the longer we run.

What do you need from me?

Access to your existing Google Ads account if you have one, if not, we will set one up for you. Access to your existing Google Analytics account Access to your website If a new account we will need a credit card to use (your Google ad spend this is paid directly to Google)

How do I get started?

To get started simply book a call Here.

If it is a good fit, then we will let you know what the next steps are to start your Google ads program and get results.

FB Lead Gen

How many Ads can we run?

We recommend running at max 2-3 ads for optimal performance.

How often should we change our Ads?

We recommend running one solid ad with 1-2 rotating ads. We are always doing a/b testing, updating audiences and improving the ads. For overall consistency, it’s important to have a solid single message.

Who creates the Ads?

We design and write copy for your ads. We can use your existing collateral / campaigns as well.

Can I change my Ad spend?

Yes, you can change your Ad spend at any time. For best results, we recommend at least $1,000 ad spend which you can increase or lower depending on the time of year / goals.

Do you need access to my Ad account?

No, for efficiency, accountability and cost we work solely in our ad account. All of our tools are connected to this account and if we don’t use our account it would require licensing several platforms and significantly increase your cost monthly.

What is the difference between Lead Gen and Social Media Marketing?

Lead gen is solely to generate leads. Where social media marketing is full management of your page, likes, engagement, content, brand awareness, etc. We do offer daily posts that you can add to your account which will increase branding as well as overall ad performance.

How does the process work?

The process is easy! We do all the work for you. First, sign up for one of our affordable Facebook lead Gen packages Fill out a quick questionnaire We review your Facebook page and enhance it for best page performance We create the ads based on your brand You approve the ads We run the ads You start getting leads directly to your inbox as they come in from Facebook It’s that easy!

When should I expect to get leads/sales?

It typically takes about 3-4 weeks of business days to get your campaign up and running. Once the campaign is up and running you will get leads directly in your Inbox typically within the following 5-7 days.


How much does it typically cost per lead?

This varies per industry, however, the leads we generate typically fall in the range of $14 – $32 per lead.

What do you need from me?

Admin access to your Facebook page and ad account A credit card for the ad spend paid directly to Facebook High-resolution logo

What happens if I stop my Lead Gen services?

You will stop getting leads.


How do I get started?

To get started simply book a call Here.

If it is a good fit, then we will let you know what the next steps are to start Facebook lead generation and get you results.