This personal injury lawyer planned to double-down on marketing but wanted to carefully test digital marketing in a shorter period. We dazzled him with the results in 2 weeks of vigorous testing.

The Challenge:

To bring a high number of super-converting leads in a brief time window.

The Process:

  • We ran in-depth research to find the client the best matching creatives and assets.
  • On day 4, we initiated the TOF campaign with multiple ad sets and 10 highly targeted lookalike and interest-based audiences.
  • Initially, we gave the CBO campaign a daily budget of $30/day.
  • The plan was to gradually increase the budget while consistently shutting down the low performing ads.

The Results:

  • The team successfully eared 23 highly targeted leads in 10 days.
  • The CPL was under the desired target of 41% (target was $100, but we brought leads at $59.53)
  • 2 out of 3 adsets worked really well.
  • By the end of week 2, we got 2 winning creatives & 3 winning copies, and a blueprint of success to base the future campaigns on.

The client did not delay finalizing the contract for long-term.

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